It is inevitable. It will happen to all of us. But when those unfortunate tell-tale signs start happening, you look at the new wrinkle or the crepey skin, or your tummy that now looks like soggy bread when you are doing a yoga plank pose, and think no, no, that’s not me. But sadly, it is - you’re getting older - unavoidably older.
The real shock for me was when I noticed that my arms looked like they’d been in a mincer. A dear but tactless friend (and you know who you are!!) told me that my arms looked like wagyu beef. I wanted to slap him. I think I might have! But, instead, I was gutted, wounded, shocked and looked more clearly, noticing the dimples of cellulite that had appeared on my always previously toned arms.
People often say to me, “ You look so good for your age.”
I think, don’t look too closely! But I also think, well, what age am I supposed to look like?
I’m not twenty or thirty or forty or even fifty anymore - I’m a relic at 60+ getting ready for the Zimmer frame! Owning an aesthetic clinic certainly helped. Botox on tap and my Gubby ( my gay housemate and GM of the clinic) who would look at me scrutinising my wrinkles and say, “upstairs,” which always meant he had some fabulous concoction to inject into my face.
Yes, yes, I know I do take care of myself. I drink moderately ( please don’t count last Saturday night out with the girls). I don’t smoke, have never really taken drugs and I’ve always exercised. I eat very healthy, clean food and have always taken supplements. Of course, I love ice cream and chocolate but there have to be some delicious naughties in life.
So how are we supposed to deal with the inevitability of ageing? Just accept it and grow old gracefully, or go out with a bang? I don’t think it matters which route you take, as long as it’s authentic for you. I find more often women who are in loving relations accept themselves more easily. They cut their hair, let it go grey, put on a bit of weight and say, “Fuck it, I’m done wasting my life in hairdressers and on diets - let’s have another glass!.”
For those of us that are single and out in the dating world, it's pretty daunting to be a granny on the prowl. So when a potential bloke asks the inevitable question, “ Well, how old are you?”
When I tell them 65, I watch for their reaction. Was it a wow reaction or a shit that's an old reaction? I’m not sure if it’s my insecurity about being potentially rejected or the scary thought that I am looming closer to ( bloody hell) 70 than 60 and that is seriously getting old!
Sometimes I wonder if I’ll wake up in the morning all wrinkled and pickled, like my unexpected wagyu beef arms, and look in the mirror and scream out, where have I gone?
Luckily ageing is slow and you grow used to being how you are when you are and learn to accept that that’s just who you are.
So after my six years in aesthetic beauty, watching many women come and go, here are some of my tips
Beauty starts from the inside. Drink heaps of water, avoid sugar and processed food.
Stress shows on your face immediately.
Don’t lose too much weight - skinny women look older, as they say, sacrifice your body for your face but with moderation, because fat is fat.
Change your exercise as you get older - running and hard training is aging for the face. Yoga, pilates, lightweights, swimming, walking, dancing are terrific.
Start Botox in your late thirties/forties ( in my opinion, it’s ridiculous and a waste of money in your twenties) but it does help with the angry lines on your forehead between your eyes.
Consider injectables like Superlift, Life Cell, PPC for fat burning
Take supplements - Vitamin C ( infusions are even better,) fish oils, vital greens, zinc, Vitamin D, Selenium, Turmeric.
Keep your skin clean and hydrated, have regular facials and the LED light works wonders.
I use virgin coconut oil on my skin instead of moisturisers, which I put on straight after the shower.
Ageing takes time, so start early with lifestyle choices and maintenance.

ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF WAGYU BEEF Wagyu beef is widely used in high-cost gourmet dishes. Its flavor, tenderness and juiciness make it very suitable for haute cuisine stews or steaks. Its intramuscular fat that forms the so-called marbling is rich in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. You guys shouldn't miss trying it, it's as exquisite as a mature woman